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睿蓝7将于8月22日开启预售 轿跑SUV造型
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While there are restrictions on betting on local teams in some states, that surely will not damper the growth of college football betting as a whole. Injuries always play a significant role in any NCAAF season.
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车身侧面,睿蓝7展现出类似Model Y的设计,拥有双色的车顶和溜背造型,整车风阻系数仅为0.238Cd,车尾部分的贯穿式尾灯样式也与头灯呼应。内饰造型上,新车采用了大尺寸中控屏,下方配备有无线充电区域,并且取消了大量实体按键,功能都集成到语音和中控屏中。此外,该车高配版本还有AR-HUD。